Maison Stephan
Jean-Michel, who grew up on his family’s farmland, went to Beaujolais as a teenager to study at the wine school and work in the local wineries. In 1986 he decided to start his own winery and started with 2 hectares of vineyards in Côte Roti. Jean-Michel sold all his grapes to local merchants. But as early as 1994 he decided to produce his first bottles.

With the theoretical knowledge of Beaujolais pioneers such as Jules Chauvet and Marcel Lapierre, Jean-Michel started with organics. And in 1997 he began producing all-natural wines. It took him many years to avoid the use of added sulfur dioxide in the production of his wines. Since 2017, Jean-Michel's son Roman has joined his father in managing the family farm. From then on, the name Maison Stéphane was formed.

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