Domaine Ghislaine Barthod
The domain was originated in the 1920s by Marcel Noellat, whose daughter married Gaston Barthod, a soldier stationed in Dijon who came to buy wine in a nearby village and conquered the girl. He gave up his military post to work in the vineyards in 1960. After studying at the Oenological University of Beaune, his daughter Ghislaine and her husband Louis Bouillot (Domaine Louis Bouillot & Fils) modified the current estate in 1986. Ghislaine’s father Gaston died in 1999, but in fact Ghislaine has been producing wine herself for the last decade. Now Ghislaine is called the queen of Chambolle wines.

Production features:
Hand-picking. Traditional vinification, fermentation is done with wild yeast. Partial combing.
The wine is aged for about 20 months in oak, using a new 20 to 25%. Ghislaine strives to reduce the number of new barrels and increase the aging time. The wines are not filtered.

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